Updated Fri July 8, 2022
Published Under: Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Optimization Social Media Marketing

Are you visible online? Take control of your Google presence by implementing (or improving) the following:
- Customer engagement
- Brand awareness
- Online reputation
- Search engine optimization strategy
- Search engine marketing advertising
- Create Google listing
1) Create and Update Your Google Listing
Having a Google Listing for your business is a critical part of staying on top of your online presence. Updating your Google listing information gives Google another piece of information about your business to add into search results. The more information and keywords you have, the better for your business – as Google will have more to pull from.
Be sure to keep your Google listing current so people are aware of when and where they can visit you.
2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Improve your visibility in search engines. Get a regular SEO audit and organic search optimization strategy to appear for the right searches more often and in better position. When your business appears in relevant search results, it’s easier for customers to find you and buy from you.
3) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Capture potential customers in the moments they need your products or services. As a Google Partner, VGM Forbin continues to find innovative ways to move customers through the funnel. Paid search advertising on Google and Bing supports those customers in those crucial moments. Where will they spend their money? SEM can help ensure they choose you.
4) Responding, Attaining and Maintaining a Reputation
Responding to reviews and getting more reviews is also important to Google’s algorithm, as this will show you higher in search results. Getting Google reviews and keeping your reviews positive can be a big task. Set up guidelines for your business on the process of how to respond accordingly to those customers that have given you a good or negative review.
VGM Forbin can help you take control of your online reputation. You can also utilize a program to email and text customers asking for reviews. VGM Forbin offers Reputation Plus+ - this is where you can enter names, emails and numbers into a system. The system then sends emails and texts asking how the experience was. If the experience was good, then the customer is asked to leave a review on Google. If the experience was bad, a customer is directed to an internal form so they can leave their feedback without being asked to make it public.
It is important to get customers to review to reflect just how great you are to help boost your business!
5) Amp Up Your Social Media Marketing
Grow your brand’s awareness through the following social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. Use social media to stay on top of your new and existing customer’s minds. It will lead to a larger audience, generate more leads and revenue.
And our marketing experts would love to help you craft your social media marketing strategy if you need support.
We Can Help
If you have questions about staying on top of Google’s mind for your business, VGM Forbin has the innovative solutions you need! Contact our team to learn more about the diverse online marketing services we offer today to increase your presence on Google.