Updated 6:00 PM CST, Wed March 6, 2019
Published Under: Case Studies Healthcare

By Ana Dobrilovic and Sean Dever, VGM Forbin
Accessibility, safety, independence. As a home modifications provider, you work to improve the lives of your customers. You juggle the different facets of your business and you may feel you aren’t targeting the right customer base effectively or reaching the amount of customers that are interested in your business. How do I get the word out about my services? What’s the best way to advertise? Today, we’ll examine a Texas Home Modifications Company and how online advertising services paired with an effective landing experience increased the benefit they receive from every advertising dollar.
Landing Page Experience Paired With Online Ads
You may have a well-organized, user-friendly website. Without an effective search engine marketing campaign, you could be cutting your traffic in half. Searchers turn to Google for their day-to-day needs. From recipes and directions to contractors for home modifications, Google serves answers. However, Google doesn’t actually provide those answers. Google, Bing, and other search engines connect those searchers with the answers others provide: your competitors, others in the industry and you. This is where your landing page experience can provide an effective user experience.
We mentioned a Texas Home Modifications provider. This company partnered with the web marketing experts at VGM Forbin to increase business, installing accessibility ramps, grab bars and stair lifts in area homes.
Initially, they were looking to drive more traffic to their existing website through online advertising. Unfortunately, difficult navigation and confusing content kept their site from capitalizing on the traffic web marketing strategies could bring. Additionally, duplicate content made it difficult for search engines to know where to send that traffic.
Our initial website assessment confirmed that their prior efforts were resulting in startling traffic declines. In 2018, they saw 14.81% fewer users and 44.51% fewer sessions. The same factors that led to those declines would inhibit online advertising results. This company didn’t just need to draw more traffic; they needed to make better use of the visitors they were already attracting.
Let’s Look at the Evidence
With their immense pool of data, WordStream has defined the industry average for the health and medical industry: 3.27% click through and 3.36% conversion rate. VGM Forbin’s search campaigns were able to earn them a click through rate 43% higher than industry averages. However, less than one in every 200 clicks was actually reaching out to get more information. That is a clear indication the landing experience was not guiding users to conversion.
A landing page featuring prioritized information, clear calls-to-action and straightforward navigation was created in September of 2018 and all search advertisements sent users to the new landing experience. Upon implementation, there was a dramatic rise in their conversion rate which meant more business for the client. The conversion rate increased from the meager 0.44% to an agreeable 5.56% — improved 12X over.
The greatest online ads will have little effect on users if the landing page experience is poor. Both the online ads and landing experience must complement each other in order for your home modification web marketing efforts to be successful.
At VGM Forbin, not only do they set you up with a campaign that’s targeted toward your goals, but can create a website and/or landing page that benefits your customers and business. Coupling effective advertisements with a user-friendly landing page can help you reach the customers you want and provide them with the business they need. This was the case for the Texas Home Modifications Company.
If you’re interested in web marketing and design services from VGM Forbin, reach out at any time to 877-964-6875 or visit the Forbin contact page to schedule a strategy session today.