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Continuously Looking for Ways to Move Projects Forward: Bailey Ronnebaum

Continuously Looking for Ways to Move Projects Forward: Bailey Ronnebaum

VGM Forbin was very honored and excited to announce that Bailey Ronnebaum is the VGM Forbin Employee Spotlight for the month of November 2021! Bailey stepped up in big ways in 2021 to not only complete her marketing role, but also help out in the Western sales territory to make sure our customers and prospects are taken care of.

Each day, Bailey delivers in incremental ways, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without her! We’re looking forward to what we can continue to do in 2022 with her by our side.

We interviewed Bailey and this is what she had to say:

  1. How long have you been working at VGM Forbin?
    5 years
  2. What is your role at VGM Forbin?
    A little bit of everything – Marketing Manager and Account Executive, so with that comes social media strategist and web marketer
  3. What's your favorite thing about your job?
    I’m always doing something different and helping clients learn more about websites and online marketing. Being able to just help a client change their hours on their Google listing they couldn’t get access to or help another with their marketing strategy is super rewarding. I also love leading and working with my teammates – we’re really close and they make this job so enjoyable!
  4. If you could share one thing to a current client about VGM Forbin, what would it be?
    We really do care and want to help with your marketing and web solutions. If we don’t know an answer, we work super hard to figure it out so we’re able to help!
  5. An interesting fact you may not know about me:
    I can wiggle my ears back and forth!
  6. Most importantly, if you’re stranded on an island, what is one thing you would keep on you?
    Realistically, a knife, but I’m probably not making it so I’d want to go out eating chips and salsa.
  7. If you could complete one thing on your bucket list, what would it be?
    I’d want to travel to more cool places like Greece and somewhere like Bora Bora.

Here is why a couple of colleagues think Bailey is pretty awesome:

Here is why Hillary thinks Bailey should be the employee spotlight: “Bailey has taken on a lot of tasks, including helping with sales, and is always willing to pitch in to help and make things easier for everyone. She has helped with onboarding new employees on top of that and never complains if something is added to her plate. She does a great job at overseeing multiple marketing efforts for customers and helps everything continue to run smoothly!”

Joshua also thinks Bailey is amazing: “She looks for ways to keep projects moving forward and balances so many different roles within the copy and marketing team.”

Thank you, Bailey!

A big thank you and congratulations to Bailey! And a sincere thank you to each and every one of our VGM Forbin employees for doing what they do.

Who’s wondering who will secure VGM Forbin’s Employee Spotlight for December? Stay tuned for the next recipient in a few short weeks.

Written by: Jamie Swart - Brand Marketing Lead at VGM Forbin

VGM Forbin was very honored and excited to announce that Bailey Ronnebaum is the VGM Forbin Employee Spotlight for the month of November 2021! Bailey stepped up in big ways in 2021 to not only complete her marketing role, but also help out in the...
