Primary Colors
HEX: #003B49
RGB: 0, 59, 73
CMYK: 96, 66, 51, 44
PMS: 309 C
RGB: 0, 59, 73
CMYK: 96, 66, 51, 44
PMS: 309 C
HEX: #15D3C5
RGB: 21, 211, 197
CMYK: 65, 0, 32, 0
PMS: 3255 C
RGB: 21, 211, 197
CMYK: 65, 0, 32, 0
PMS: 3255 C
HEX: #4F868E
RGB: 79, 134, 142
CMYK: 72, 34, 39, 5
PMS: 5483 C
RGB: 79, 134, 142
CMYK: 72, 34, 39, 5
PMS: 5483 C
Accompanying Colors
HEX: #D6E865
RGB: 213, 230, 102
CMYK: 20, 0, 74, 0
PMS: 2296 C
RGB: 213, 230, 102
CMYK: 20, 0, 74, 0
PMS: 2296 C
HEX: #948794
RGB: 148, 135, 148
CMYK: 44, 46, 31, 2
PMS: 7653 C
RGB: 148, 135, 148
CMYK: 44, 46, 31, 2
PMS: 7653 C
RGB: 154, 219, 232
CMYK: 36, 0, 8, 0
PMS: 304 C
RGB: 154, 219, 232
CMYK: 36, 0, 8, 0
PMS: 304 C
HEX: #C8C9C7
RGB: 200, 201, 199
CMYK: 21, 17, 18, 0
PMS: Cool Gray 3 C
RGB: 200, 201, 199
CMYK: 21, 17, 18, 0
PMS: Cool Gray 3 C
HEX: #63666A
RGB: 99, 102, 106
CMYK: 62, 52, 48, 17
PMS: Cool Gray 10 C
RGB: 99, 102, 106
CMYK: 62, 52, 48, 17
PMS: Cool Gray 10 C
HEX: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
Download Google FontLato Light
Lato Bold
With Tagline
No Tagline
Usage Guidelines
To ensure a consistent and appropriate brand identity, a general set of guidelines for logo usage is outlined as follows.
- No elements of the logo artwork may be recreated, deleted, cropped, or reconfigured. All logo artwork is provided with proper sizing and spacing in each of the various formats.
- Logo artwork must be uniformly scaled. Non-uniform scaling distorts the proportions of artwork and the relationship between the icons and letterforms.
- Logo artwork should always appear upright unless its being utilized in a mockup of logo application, ie: on a perspective view of a screen, embroidered shirt, etc.
- Logo artwork should ideally appear against a solid background to ensure maximum and proper contrast. However, if the logo is “on top” of imagery, that background imagery should either have a heavy Gaussian blur, be screened back or have an approved color overlay at no less than 60% opacity.
- Do not put a white box around the logo when placed on a dark background and do not reproduce the logo in colors other than what is provided in each of the variants.
- Logo artwork may only be reproduced directly from a digital file. It should never be reproduced/scanned for use from previously printed materials.